Research Topics
A specialization of this laboratory of automation and embedded systems is divided into several related tasks and they fill a research and development mission of Laboratory Automation
Smart Grid – E.E.S.
In a frame of smart energy networks research (smart grids) with a large share of renewable sources, we came to partially physical network modeling. A network, we are creating is called E.E.S. (Experimental Energy Network). Small power plants utilizing renewable energy are connected to a grid. Some of these plants can be placed within reach of the Laboratory Automation, where the E.E.S. is located. It is for example solar power, which is situated on a roof of the building. Other plants must be placed in the other locations. A connection to the grid is implemented using a wireless data transmission with information about current power. Using these data power plant is modeled by controlled source of electrical energy (output power) which is realized like battery or electrical network (230V, 50 Hz).
Flows of energy, reserves in individual sources and consumption control dSpace system. This system can determine which resources are currently supplying power to the grid and what amount of power. If energy is sufficient, it will control storing of energy excess in batteries or in hydrogen, through electrolysis with metal-hydride container. Therefore, as one of the sources of electrical energy for EES a fuel cell is used. The whole E.E.S. model aims to simulate a real power network with a large share of renewable sources and will serve mainly for the development and validation of predictive control algorithms of power system, utilizing the most comprehensive information on the temporal power distribution of different types of renewable resources in the region, farm or village.
Smart metering
This research and development is focused primarily on small consumers of electricity. It is a system that allows the user using standard technology conveys information about its current consumption. While in the market are complex, but expensive systems for monitoring of electricity and other energy systems up to automatic disconnection and reconnection of large appliances, the activities of the Laboratory Automation aims to provide high availability of the systems developed for general users and easy integration into existing installations. Communication among meters, monitors and data storages will be realized utilizing Wi-Fi network (now available in most households). This solution is cheap and does not require major adjustments. In the transitional period will be developed also systems with a data transfer utilizing the existing power distribution 230 V, 50 Hz. To display and storing data will be used commonly available devices such as laptop, smart phone, etc. Using SMPSE system is possible to monitor energy consumption and moreover, you can additionally monitor gas or water consumption, etc. The system is build with respect to modularity and extensibility.
Energy Harvesting
The aim of those activities is to harvest electrical energy from non electrical sources (solar, kinetic, thermo energy, etc). This energy will be used for supplying distributed sensor networks and also for signaling, warning, emergency and other systems.
Energy harvesting workplace is therefore equipped with corresponding development and experimental kits. Another closely tied task is a research in the field of wireless energy transfer.
Low power appliances
This research field is tied with previous topic. We want to also make research in the field of (ultra) low power appliances. Nowadays, we are focusing to designing embedded ultra low PCs and its connection to centralized computer systems and farms, primarily targeted on cloud computing. Such a system could become energy and economic alternative to conventional equipment, like desktop PC used at school laboratories or laptops. The proposed systems aim to up to 90% less power consumption and 60% of the cost reduction.
Embedded workplace
Small power stations making use of renewable sources of energy
Matlab, Simulink, dSpace (controlling of E.E.S.)
Hydrogen power plant
Head of Laboratory
Frantisek Zezulka
Technicka 3082/12, 61600, Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 541 146 440