Charging infrastructure for electromobiles
Research and development is concentrated on charging infrastructure for electromobiles. Activities are focused on miniaturization of DC/DC and AC/DC pulse converters. The objective is to create technological background for follow-up applied research on compact fast chargers in “on-board” and portable “off-board” versions. Utilization of the technology of silicon carbide switching semiconductors is desirable. The progressive carbide silicon technology (power diodes and switching transistors SiC MOSFET) corresponds to the partial objective of the government research priority “Advanced Materials for Competitiveness”. The team obtained valuable experience in this field by participation in the European projects E3Car and IoE.
Modular switching sources
The team focuses on conception and control methods for modular switching sources for serial and parallel arrangement. The objective is a variable system with extreme voltage, current and power output parameters. This idea could be exploited for reliable operation of switching sources. Redundant systems are also developed where one module failure only results in partial decrease of input parameters, not whole system failure (Fault Tolerant System).