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Homepage » Research Programmes » Generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical energy » Laboratories » Laboratory of electrical energy quality and EMC » Precision wattmeter and analyzer ZES ZIMMER LMG500
- Four-power channels wattmeter and analyzer, 4xU+4xI,
- Voltage ranges: 3-1000 V,
- Current ranges : 20 mA – 32 A (direct input, with transducers up to 2 kA),
- Frequency bandwidth: DC 1.5 MHz,
- Basic accuracy: 0.03%,
- DFT analyzer, harmonics and interharmonics measurement up to 50 kHz/1 MHz with step of 1 Hz, frequency analysis according to IEC 61000-4-7, measurement of harmonic current emissions according to IEC 61000-3-2 and 3-12,
- Flicker measurement acc. to the IEC 61000-4-15, tests acc. IEC 61000-3-3 and 3-11,
- Current transducers: PSU600 (600 A, DC 100 kHz, basic accuracy: 0.02 %) and PSU2000 (2000 A, DC 100 kHz, basic accuracy: 0.02 %).