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Homepage » Research Programmes » Generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical energy » Laboratories » Laboratory of electrical energy quality and EMC » ScopeCorder YOKOGAWA DL850
- Universal modular multichannel data acquisition system, up to 16 high performance or 128 low performance voltage inputs,
- Analog input modules: isolated, voltage range: 850 (250, 140) V, frequency bandwidth: DC 40 kHz (300 kHz, 1 MHz),16 (12)-bit resolution,
- Hardware real time data processing using DSP,
- FFT frequency analysis,
- GPS (IRIG-B) synchronization,
- Recording length: 10 minutes (16-ch, 100 kS/s) on built-in memory, 10 hours (16-ch, 100 kS/s) on HDD.